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  TarihBelge Türü Başlık İhraççı/Kişi
15 Dec 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sovereign entities in Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa Abu Dhabi, Gove...
Angola, Governm...
Armenia, Govern...
Australia, Gove...
Azerbaijan, Gov...
Bahrain, Govern...
Bangko Sentral ...
Bangladesh, Gov...
Benin, Governme...
Botswana, Gover...
26 Oct 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Regulated Utilities and Networks issuers in Europe, Middle East and Africa 2i Rete Gas S.p...
Alliander N.V.
Amprion GmbH
Botswana Power ...
BUUK Infrastruc...
BUUK Infrastruc...
Cadent Finance ...
Cadent Gas Limi...
CEPS, a.s.
21 Jul 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sovereign entities in Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa Abu Dhabi, Gove...
Angola, Governm...
Armenia, Govern...
Australia, Gove...
Azerbaijan, Gov...
Bahrain, Govern...
Bangko Sentral ...
Bangladesh, Gov...
Benin, Governme...
Botswana, Gover...
24 Feb 2023 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sovereign entities in Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa Abu Dhabi, Gove...
Angola, Governm...
Armenia, Govern...
Australia, Gove...
Azerbaijan, Gov...
Bahrain, Govern...
Bangko Sentral ...
Bangladesh, Gov...
Benin, Governme...
Botswana, Gover...
15 Nov 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Regulated Electric and Gas Network and Utilities issuers 2i Rete Gas S.p...
Alliander N.V.
Amprion GmbH
Botswana Power ...
BUUK Infrastruc...
BUUK Infrastruc...
Cadent Finance ...
Cadent Gas Limi...
CEPS, a.s.
13 Sep 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sovereign entities in Americas, Middle East and Africa Abu Dhabi, Gove...
Air Jamaica Lim...
Angola, Governm...
Argentina, Gove...
Bahamas, Govern...
Bahrain, Govern...
Barbados, Gover...
Belize, Governm...
Benin, Governme...
Bermuda, Govern...
22 Mar 2022 Announcement of Periodic Review Moody's announces completion of a periodic review for a group of Sovereign entities in Middle East and Africa Abu Dhabi, Gove...
Angola, Governm...
Bahrain, Govern...
Benin, Governme...
Botswana, Gover...
Cameroon, Gover...
CBB Internation...
Central Bank of...
Cote d'Ivoire, ...
Democratic Repu...
18 Jan 2021 Excel Data Supplement Sovereigns - ESG: Credit Impact & Issuer Profile Scores with Category Scores Abu Dhabi, Gove...
Albania, Govern...
Angola, Governm...
Argentina, Gove...
Armenia, Govern...
Australia, Gove...
Austria, Govern...
Bangladesh, Gov...
Barbados, Gover...
Belarus, Govern...
18 Jan 2021 Excel Data Supplement Sovereigns – ESG: Credit Impact & Issuer Profile Scores Abu Dhabi, Gove...
Albania, Govern...
Angola, Governm...
Argentina, Gove...
Armenia, Govern...
Australia, Gove...
Austria, Govern...
Bangladesh, Gov...
Barbados, Gover...
Belarus, Govern...
07 Dec 2020 Announcement Moody's announces changes in country ceilings following methodology update Abu Dhabi, Gove...
Albania, Govern...
Angola, Governm...
Argentina, Gove...
Armenia, Govern...
Australia, Gove...
Austria, Govern...
Azerbaijan, Gov...
Bahamas - Off S...
Bahamas, Govern...
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